Proposed Improvements For Morzine To Avoriaz Connection

ski lift

Proposed Improvements For Morzine To Avoriaz Connection


Avoriaz is technically part of Morzine. However, it sits far higher than the main village at an altitude of 1800m. It is also located at the top of the cliffs at the far end of the Ardoisieres valley. Transitioning between the two ski areas has always been a logistical issue and the local Marie has laid out plans for a drastic improvement.

Whilst the current transport connections, heavily reliant upon ski busses is sufficient, the recently unveiled plans are designed to vastly improve the link. If the proposed plans come to fruition, a mammoth task awaits the developers. It will involve digging a tunnel under the village centre, re-routing traffic and pedestrian access through the village and the installation of a huge new telecabine that will span the entire length of the Ardoisieres valley.

Morzine ski busses sat at stop in the town

So Why Is It Necessary To Improve Connections From Morzine To Avoriaz?

One of the great things about staying in Morzine is you get to enjoy the beautiful alpine resort with its lively hustle and bustle but you can easily access the higher slopes of Avoriaz. Being so much higher the slopes in Avoriaz are home to some of the best snow conditions in the Portes du Soleil and most visitors to the resort will frequent its slopes. Getting between the resorts can, during peak periods, be time consuming. This new transport development would be a vast improvement enabling visitors to access the higher slopes in a quicker, more efficient manor.

Presently there are three options for skiers to access the Avoriaz slopes from Morzine. The first involves taking the main ski bus from central Morzine up to the Prodains Express lift. Alternatively skiers can take the Super Morzine telecabine up to connect with the Zore lift and then ski across the Seraussaix slopes to the bottom of the Proclou lift. The third option is to take the ski bus all the way out to the Ardent ski lift which connects with Les Linderets and take the Linderets lift up to Avoriaz. All of these options can get busy during peak times and for skiers who are staying in Les Gets at the far western edge of the Portes du Soleil, this connection time can be costly. The new proposed plans will vastly help to improve this.

avoriaz lift

So What Are The Plans?

The project ‘Morzine Avoriaz 2020’ is extremely ambitious to say the least! It will involve a tunnel being built from the bottom of the Pleney lift under the village to a new lift station overlooking the supermarket car park. The tunnel’s moving walkway will transport skiers and snowboarders to the new Express Morzine-Avoriaz lift. This new high speed lift will run adjacent to the Super Morzine bridge  and along the entire length of the Ardoisières valley to the bottom of Prodains. From here skiers will transition from the new lift to the Prodains express lift and be whisked directly up to Avoriaz.

The project is set to cost in the region of 45 million euros and doesn’t stop with the tunnel and lift.  The development means the infrastructure of Morzine also has to be updated. A new road network, new public facilities and improved pedestrian access are all part of the plans. The aim of these changes is to allow traffic to flow more freely through Morzine and improve pedestrian access and safety. The town also hopes to reduce traffic on the roads through this development giving people less need to drive to the Avoriaz lifts.

morzine to avoriaz under construction sign

The proposals are currently going through a consultation process. Like most changes to town planning, it will more than likely face some heavy opposition from local residents. In this instance the opposition is likely to be quite substantial for two reasons. Firstly the tunnel could potentially have a detrimental effect on local businesses as they will receive less passing trade. Secondly, the new lift will pass directly over a lot of people’s property.

If the plans go ahead it will be great news for our guests as getting to Avoriaz from your beautiful central Morzine accommodation will become a breeze. We will of course keep you updated on the developments. If you’d like to learn more about our Morzine accommodation, click here to view our exclusive portfolio of luxury self catered chalets and apartments.

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